Popular Icons
Homespun Saint: This portrait of Gandhi, one of the truly remarkable heroes of this passing century, has been enhanced by silver and antique gold paint and framed in silver colored beading. An inspiring quote from this Indian seer is mounted on the back of the icon. Measures @5" x 10". $24.00
Photo Op! A favorite, this icon of world class corn pictures "The King" shaking hands with soon-to-be-deposed Richard Nixon. The picture is enhanced with water-color and gold stars. Measures @5" x 6". $12.00
Genius: Wild-haired, Albert Einstein appears afloat in the cosmos that he penetrated and understood so deeply. Decorated with nail polish, glitter, tinware and metallic paper stars, this icon measures @ 14" x 14" and comes with an insightful quote of Einstein's on the back. $26.00
I & I: Musician & poet Bob Marley is simply framed in textured heavy paper. Measures @ 8" x 8". $22.00
These samples of popular figures are only a few from my grab-bag of on-going creations. Let me do your hero for you. You can either provide the photo or let me find one for you. Ordering Information
© by Tina Rosa, 1999-2002